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The Copernicus Project

Land O'Lakes wanted to create an installation that changes the way people see food. In response, we created The Copernicus Project. An activation and think tank at SXSW 2019, that included 5 interactive experiences including an ball pit shaped like an avocado that taught visitors about nanotechnology, an immersive video room called the "Truth About Biodiversity", a datavis string wall polling personal diets, and a limited release beer made from upcycled bread.


 Biodiversity Vault

A crowd favorite at the SxSW “The Copernicus Project”, we immersed viewers on all sides with visuals and sounds, crafting a thrilling ride through the biodiversity of our food systems. This was honored to be in the 2019 Communication Arts Design Annual.


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Washington Post Ad

Mike Caguin, CCO / Mark Anderson, GCD / Adam St. John, CD / Andrew Siegel, CW / Daniel Linnihan, AD / Sam Soulek, DD / Kelly O’Halleron, D / Ben Hait, D / Gopal Chandroth, CW / Aggressive TV

2019 Communication Arts Design Annual - Biodiversity Experience